
Sunday, September 30, 2007

Visual Public Services - GIS and the E-Government

Cover page of the university textbook. Courtesy by Dr. István Tózsa, HUNAGI Visuals resource, 2007
Visual Public Services
GIS and E-Government

all colour university textbook
270 pages


Information Society and E-Government
Types of GIS and Fileds of Their Application in Administration
GIS in Public Services
GIS and CAD in Property Management and Building Administration
Communal Services and GIS (Education, Health and Social Care)
Public Utilities with GIS and CAD (Water, Electricity, Gas, Sewage, Communication)
Commercial and Personal Services (Bank, Insurance Company, Enterprise, Consumers)
Urban Environmental Services and GIS (Waste, Green Management, Cemetaries, etc.)
Public Transportation (GIS and GPS Application)
GIS in Recreation, Tourism, Emergency Mangement, Wild Life, Environmental Protection
GIS in Urban Management (Satistics, Politics, Police, Town planning, Decision Making GIS)
GIS with Satellite Images, Internet and Mobilephones
GIS in the Everyday Best Practices of Local Governments
Urban zoning
ESRI Solutions
GIS in Micro Regions
GeoView Solutions
Kolibri Forte Solutions
Legal Regulation of GIS Application in Urban Management
GIS and the Information Warfare
Future of the Urban GIS
The textbook entitled "Visual Public Services - GIS and E-Government" will be published in November 2007. The Author is Head of the Department for Public Management and Urban Studies at the Corvinus University of Budapest, Faculty of Public Administration, a member of HUNAGI.
More information:
or please contact directly
Prof. Istvan Tózsa
Corvinus University of Budapest, Faculty of Public Administration
Head of Department for Public Management and Urban Studies

HUNAGI Forum 2007 - Meeting of the Government and Spatial Data Community

GIS support for the Government from local to central.
The most important EU legislation frameworks (including INSPIRE, WFD, PSI) and the associated governmental tasks will be introduced and discussed at the Forum, a joint event of HUNAGI and the Methodological Center of e-Government in Budapest. Also best practices will be referred to ensure awareness raising of the top governmental officials of the relevant, leading ministries. ICT experts of the major cities and the members of HUNAGI will be also invited. Many of them will contribute to the event actively delivering presentations or referates.
The HUNAGI Forum is scheduled for 11 October 2007. The discussion will be moderated by HUNAGI President Zsolt Barkóczi. The Program is available in Hungarian at the and the English version will be highlighted here asap.

Friday, September 28, 2007

40 year of the Hungarian Land Administration under the MoARD roof

The building of MoARD which hosts the Department of Land Administration and Geoinformation. Image: HUNAGI Visuals resource, 2007

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

HUNAGI Forum Program Enhanced

The Forum is scheduled for 11 October and will be hosted by the Methodological Center for eGovernment in Budapest.
Programme with Invitation will be sent out on 26th September for the HUNAGI Members and for special invitees.

European Networking and Best Practices in SDI

HUNAGI in the eSDINetplus consortium
Kick-off Meeting was hosted by INI-Graphics Foundation of the Fraunhofer Institute in Darmstadt, Germany.
More details in
Photo coverage at

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

HUNAGI invited to the Summit of the Hungarian Land Administration

Windy scene at the Lake Balaton as seen from Siófok, venue of the Meeting of the Heads of Hungarian Land Administration's County Land Offices. Image: HUNAGI Visuals resource, 2007

More news on the

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Intelligent Transportation Systems - growing market in Central and Eastern Europe.

One of the case study presented by Tamás Prajczer of GeoX. Image: HUNAGI Visuals resource, 2007

TeleAtlas Business Workshop in Budapest

The services provided by Intelligent Transportation Systems related companies needs typically seemless data especially in cross-border environment. Now the TeleAtlas Info Day arranged for the ITS developer and user community at the Makadam Klub in Budapest highlighted not only the features and products of TeleAtlas but also some interesting case studies dealing with crime, launching TMC service etc. On 27th September a full day conference will be devoted to the subject ITS organised by ITS-Hungary and HUNGIS Foundation. HUNAGI was actually one of the founder of ITS-Hungary.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Both UNSDI CZCO and HUCO officers at the Humboldt Meeting

Both Karel Charvat of UNSDI Czech Coordination Office and the UNSDI HUCO chair were attended the Meeting of the FP6 project called Humboldt hosted by the Hellenic Marine Research Institute in Heraklion

Photo portfolio of the Humboldt Meetings in Crete

Hotel Atlantis, venue of the Humboldt Meetings
The photo collection on the event and people:

The photo collection on the environment (Heraklion, Crete)

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Humboldt project meetings in Heraklion, Crete

The Humboldt Advisory and Review Board at work. Image: HUNAGI Visuals resource, 2007
A series of Humboldt project meetings have been started today with active participation of FÖMI as member of the consortium.
Tomorrow, the meeting with the members of the Humboldt project's Advisory and Reviewers' Board will enhance the programme. Friday the Working Package leaders will have discussions with ptional participation of the ARB members.
For more information on the Humboldt project please visit

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Participating members of the HUNAGI Presidential Board made proactive decision today. Image: HUNAGI Visuals resource, 2007

Theme selected for the HUNAGI FORUM 2007:
GI/GIS support of the eGovernment

The Presidential Board of HUNAGI has decided the arrangement of a dedicated Forum for the representatives of Central, Regional and Local Governments in the theme "GI/GIS support of Governmental Activities". Topics will include the explanation of some recent European directives such as WFD, PSI, INSPIRE and their inpacts in the daily works of the authorities, best practices from the international arena. Also a discussion forum generating active participation of the attendees is foreseen. The HUNAGI Forum will take place in the 3rd Quarter of 2007 under the auspice of the Methodological Center for eGovernance (EKMK).