
Friday, March 28, 2008

EUROGI Annual General Board Meeting hosted by DG ENT

Prof. Mauro Salvemini, President of EUROGI in action. Image: HUNAGI Visuals resource, 2008
For details please visit

GMES Bureau Head Valere Moutarlier opened the EUROGI Members Day

Head of the GMES Bureau Valere Moutarlier delivers his welcome address on 27 March. Image: HUNAGI Visuals resource, 2008
For agenda please visit the authentic website of EUROGI at
The main message of the welcome speech can be summarized as follows: The primary tasks of the GMES Bureau is developing a federated and structured demand for Earth Observation data and information and promoting fast-track GMES services. Recent challenges are to find new legislative and governance environment, new funding opportunities and to ensure appropriate business model, governance structure and longer-term financial sustainability as well as fostering downstream sector investments and pan-European level services. Pursuing the dialog, his main message was EUROGI is consultation partner for the GMES Bureau and further interactions and valuable inputs are expected and welcomed during the stakeholders consultation till the end of this year.
A short history: GMES Bureau was proposed jointly by Vice-President Verheugen, Research Commissioner Potočnik and Environment Commissioner Dimas with the primary objective of developing a federated and structured demand for Earth Observation (EO) data and information and ensuring the delivery of fast track EO services by 2008. The structure of the Bureau is unique, gathering staff from the Commission's Directorates-General for Enterprise and Industry, Research, Environment, Information Society, Agriculture, Rural Development, Fisheries and Maritime Affairs, as well as the Joint Research Centre. Close links to ESA, EUMETSAT and EUSC is ensured. Source:

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Observing our Planet for a Better Future

President Dr. László Bozó (r) and MoEW State Secretary Kálmán Kovács (l) opened the ceremony. Image: HUNAGI Visuals resource, 2008
UNSDI Stakeholder Hungarian Meteorological Service hosted the celebration of the 48th World Meteorological Day devoted to "Observing our Planet for a Better Future". President Dr. László Bozó submitted the message sent by WMO Secretary General Michel Jarraud. The keynote speech of the event was delivered by Zoltán Nagy, Head of the Department of the Earth Surface Measurements.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Towards the e-Government - DEMOS Conference

Tibor Dessewffy, President of DEMOS Chair of the Conference. Image: HUNAGI Visuals resource, 2008
e-Government: Paradigm Change is needed
The event was hosted by the Central European University in Budapest downtown today.
The presentation of László Z.Karvalics was one of the highlights of the Conference providing a good complementary outlook to his softcopy book just released with the same title published by DEMOS. The book was disseminated on site but it is available and downloadable also from the website of the organisation at
The subject is important from the NSDI - eGovernment relationship and their potential synergy if integrated.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

IYPE Hungarian Launch Event preparation started today

Museum of the Nature History in Budapest, venue of the Conference and Exhibition. Image: HUNAGI Visuals resource, 2008
International Year of the Planet Earth
Conference and Exhibition
April 17-20, 2008
Hungarian Launch Event for IYPE-related activities scheduled for 2008 under the auspices of the State President
Chaired by Ms. Katalin Zimmermann of the Hungarian Geological Society, the Kick-off Meeting of the representatives of the Earth sciences related institutions and organisations was hosted by the Museum today

Monday, March 17, 2008

Presentations of the WGISS 25 Meeting

Information Systems and Services in Earth Observation
From our daily mail: Courtney Davis ,Applications Systems Analyst of NOAA Support Program at General Dynamics share this information within the CEOS Working Group on Information Systems and Services community:
"The presentations from the WGISS 25 meeting have now been posted. You
can view the presentations by clicking the hyper links within the
agenda: "

The Future of Land Imaging ... Going Operational

Pecora 17
The Future of Land Imaging . . . Going Operational
Lyndon R. Oleson of USGS shared this information within the CEOS WGISS Community:
"Call for Abstracts We cordially invite land remote sensing data users, researchers, applications scientists, producers, manag­ers, and policy-makers to participate in this important conference by submitting an abstract for a paper, poster, or technology demonstration. Participants are encouraged to attend general and technical sessions, exhibits, and educa­tional workshops on the very latest remote sensing research, applications, analysis techniques, and technologies. The Pecora 17 Conference will be held Monday through Thursday, November 17 to 20, 2008 at the Adams Mark Hotel in Denver, Colorado. The program will be organized into four General Sessions with corresponding technical sessions, plus exhibits, and educational workshops. ASPRS is organizing the conference on behalf of the USGS and NASA.
Conference Registration and Deadlines Important Dates Abstracts Due – April 11, 2008 Workshop Proposals Due – April 11, 2008 Notice of Acceptance – May 15, 2008 Speaker Registration Date: July 15, 2008 Paper Deadline (for inclusion in Proceedings) – September 12, 2008 Oral Presentations: Full details of this conference and abstract guidelines may be found at Don't miss this opportunity to share your work with your industry associates and experience the premier conference in your field. Poster/Electronic Presentations: These will also be part of the technical program. Please use the online abstract form to submit your poster or electronic presentation. These presentations are for technical work ONLY and are not intended for commercial displays. Workshop Presentations: Anyone interested in proposing a workshop presentation for consideration should contact Bob Burtch, ASPRS Workshop Coordinator, at by April 11, 2008 for instructions. Please submit your abstract from a system that has Internet Explorer 5.5 and above or Netscape Navigator 5.X and above. If you are trying with a compatible browser and the browser takes a long time to load without going to the next stage, please close your browser and start a new submission. If you have reached an error page, please send your abstract to in a text/MS word file format in the same order as it appears on the abstract submission page. If you do not receive an auto-email confirming your abstract submission, please send an email to with the primary author name and Unique Identifier details.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Disaster Management and Space Technology -Bridging the Gap

1st Announcement: UN-SPIDER Bonn Workshop, 13-15 October 2008
From our daily mail:
"Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the Second United Nations International UN-SPIDER Bonn Workshop: “Disaster Management and Space Technology -Bridging the Gap” to be held in Bonn, Germany from 13-15 October 2008. The workshop will be organised by the United Nations Office for Outer SpaceAffairs (UNOOSA) and the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and will build on top of the first workshop held in Bonn last year. Have a look at the attachment for more information on the workshop and markthe date in your calendar. The Information Note (with the Application Form) will be sent out through this mailing list in due course and it will also be available on our website ( ). Hope to see you in Bonn! Best regards, Georg MAGERL Associate ExpertOffice for Outer Space Affairs / UN-SPIDER United Nations Office at Vienna
Ask for the First Announcement_UN-SPIDER_Bonn_Workshop.pdf "

Friday, March 14, 2008

New draft implementation rule for INSPIRE released for LMO/SDIC comments

Monitoring and Reporting is the subject of the newest implementation rule draft released
From HUNAGI's daily mail:
"Dear SDIC, LMO representative,
INSPIRE Draft Implementing Rule for Monitoring and Reporting published
INSPIRE Draft Implementing Rules for Monitoring and Reporting is now available for public view and for comments from SDICs and LMOs. The deadline for receiving feedback is 11 May 2008. ..
Reports Published
The reports on the two recent questionnaires have been published today by the INSPIRE DT Data Specifications.
Questionnaire on the use of the elements of spatial and temporal schema: Report
Questionnaire on Unique Identifiers: Report
User Requirements Survey
The User Requirements Survey still open. The aim of this survey is to collect in a structured manner information related to user requirements that are relevant for the development of the specifications for the date themes that are part of Annex I, Annex II and Annex III of the INSPIRE Directive.
Best Regards,

Call for Papers INSPIRE Conference 2008

INSPIRE Conference 2008 Implementation and Beyond call for papers
The call for papers for the INSPIRE Conference 2008 is open. The deadline for receipt of abstracts is 31 March 2008. Details can be found on the conference site.
Venue: Hotel Habakuk Congress Centre, MariborPohorska ulica 59 SI - 2000 Maribor, Slovenia
Tel: +386 2 300 81 00Fax: +386 2 300 81 28
Date: 23 June, 2008
Grantholder positions available at the Spatial Data Infrastructures Unit, Joint Research Centre of the European Commission. The Spatial Data Infrastructures Unit, Joint Research Centre of the European Commission ( ), is soliciting applications for grant holders.

The following profiles are being sought:
IES-300821 - Geo-spatial data interoperability and modeling
IES-300822 - Socio-economic evaluation of spatial data infrastructure
IES-300823 - Policy analysis and information requirements in relation to INSPIRE and SEIS development
The first cut-off date for applications is 4 April 2008.

More information about the deadlines and conditions is available from Information source: INSPIRE Team, USDI, IES, DG JRC, Ispra (Varese)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Spatial and Temporal Dimensions in Logistics

Image: HUNAGI Visuals resource, 2008
April 15, 2008
Hotel Rubin, Budapest
Invitation, Program and useful information:

GEO/GEOSS on the GIS Open 2008 Conference

Auditorium of the Faculty of Geoinformatics of WHU, venue of the Conference. Image: HUNAGI Visuals resource, 2008
Downloadable GEO/GEOSS ppt :

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Consortium Meeting of the project eSDI-Net+

Consortium meeting hosted by IGP in Lisbon chaired by Joachim Rix of INI Graphics of Fraunhofer Institute. Image: HUNAGI Visuals resource, 2008
Methodology (elaborated by an expert group of EUROGI in Rome early February and discussed at the Consortium meeting in Lisbon last week) for describing sub-national SDIs will enable the identification and analysis of best practice in different countries and regions in Europe within the eSDI-Netplus.

The eSDI-Net+ project is about establishing "a European Network on Geographic Information Enrichment and Reuse".

GSDI Regional Newsletters

GSDI regional representatives at the GSDI-10 Conference: Alessandro Annoni (DG JRC), Prof. Mike Gould (UNSDI, ECO, AGILE) Bruce McCormack and Prof. Mauro Salvemini (both of EUROGI). Image: HUNAGI Visuals resource, 2008
Extract from the GSDI Newsletter just received:
"The SDI Regional Newsletters for February 2008 are now posted on the GSDI home page at
You may also download them directly as follows:
SDI-Latin America and Caribbean Newsletter (Spanish) (English)
Portuguese translations of the newsletter are posted as they arrive and may be downloaded at
SDI-Africa Newsletter
SDI-Asia Pacific Newsletter(no issue for March 2008 - a temporary editor in the Asia-Pacific Region has been arranged and the Newsletter should be continued next month)
Past and current SDI Regional newsletters are also accessible in the archives at
Please forward the newsletters to others that may be interested.
If you want to be kept up to date on announcements in your region of the world throughout the month or want to contribute announcements to others in your region, subscribe to the appropriate SDI discussion lists at Among the several discussion list offerings include: SDI-Africa Discussion List SDI-AP (Asia-Pacific) Discussion List SDI-LAC (Latin America and Caribbean) Discussion List "
If you would like to sign up for the GSDI News List, please go to

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

eSDI-Net+ Consortium Meeting

IGP in the center of the photo. Image: HUNAGI Visuals resource, 2008

Summary will be provided by the weekend.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

FAO Spatial Data Infrastructure Kick-off Meeting

FAO HQ in Rome. Image: HUNAGI Visuals resource, 2007
FAO Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) kick-off meeting
Rome, 12 March 2008
From our daily mail: UNSDI HUCO was informed on the following news by FAO expert Jelle U. Hielkema:
FAO Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) kick-off meeting (by invitation only) will be held in Rome on 12 March 2008
The agenda of the internal meeting, chaired by Mr. Peter Holmgren, Director of NRC, will include:
o Showing of the DVD movie on the GEOportal, the ESA-FAO contribution to the GEO-IV Ministerial Summit, held in Cape Town from 28-30 November;
o Brief overview of the World Food Program SDI development status; Mr. Giorgio Sartori, WFP
o Briefing on the current status of the UNSDI development process;
o Review and discussion of the FAO SDI draft working paper;
o Review of proposed FAO-led UNSDI Deliverables;
o Formulation of follow-up action "

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Global Mapping and Core Data - State of the Art

ISCGM officers run the Roundtable session Yoshikazu Fukushima and Prof. Francis Taylor, Chair. Image: HUNAGI Visuals resource, 2oo8
Steering Committee Meeting of the Global Mapping Programme
in St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago
FÖMI was represented by HUNAGI. Based on the activity of EuroGeographics, Europe is the most organised contributor to the worldwide program.