
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Governmental Open Source Software Resource Center

Geospatial opensource tools and freely available spatial data for local governments - HUNAGI Conference hosted by MoARD in Budapest on 25th February 2010

To join the Governmental Open Source Software Resource Center forum please click the header.
The preliminary program of the HUNAGI Conference will follow asap here:

Monday, December 28, 2009

UNSDI NL NCO Newsletter 2009 Nr2 published

Mr.Jan Cees Venema, Head of the UNSDI NL NCO wrote in the Newsletter 2009/2 today:
"In this Newsletter I will briefly inform you on the status of the UNGIWG-UNSDI developments, the status of the UNSDI developments in the Netherlands and some info on the participation of UNSDI-NCO in the FAO/ITC e-consultation and the availability of ITC's GEONETCast Toolbox.
Furthermore we have embarked on the use of social network tools such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and YouTube. The respective links can be found on our home page. New subscriptions to this Newsletter can be made and more news can be found at the page." For details and register for subscription please visit the site by clicking on the header.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Report of the ICA Commission Cartography and Children chaired by TL Bandrova and JJ Reyes Nunez

From our dail mail:
"Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Annexed to this  short message you can find the 11th Newsletter of our Commission, with information about our activities and meeting in ICC 2009 in Santiago de Chile.
We wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!
Temenoujka and Jesus" 
(To see the Annex, please click on the header - RFG)

Temenoujka Lubenova BANDROVA
Associate Professor
Department of Photogrammetry and Cartography
University of Architecture, Civil Engineering
and Geodesy
1, Chr. Smirnenski Blvd. 1046 Sofia
Tel: +359 887 83 27 02 Fax: +359 2 866 22 01
Associate Professor
Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics
Eötvös Loránd University
Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A, Budapest,
Tel: +36 1 372 2975 Fax: +36 1 372 2951

Monday, December 14, 2009

EUROGI President Mauro Salvemini has been elected as founding member of the OGC Global Advisory Board

From our daily mail. Prof. Mauro Salvemini informed recently the members of EUROGI:
"it is my pleasure to share with you the message just received from Mark E. Reichardt President & CEO of OGC informing me that I have been selected as a founding member of OGC Global Advisory Council.
The Global Advisory Council was chartered earlier this year to help better inform the Board of Directors and the OGC membership of strategic issues and opportunities for attention by the OGC process. Critical to the success of the Council process will be to establish representation from all regions of the globe. This will improve to Consortium's understanding and ability to
act on regional strategic needs and opportunities. "
OGC, the Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc is a non-profit, international, voluntary consensus standards organization that is leading the development of standards for geospatial and location based services.

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Two important Event in Bulgaria in June 2010.

From our aily mail. Assoc.Prof Dr. Temenoujka Bandrova wrote to the members of the ExCom of ISDE the Call for Action for further dissemination:
International Cartographic Association and
University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sofia, Bulgaria Invite you to participate in
3rd International Conference on Cartography & GIS
Incorporating the International Cartographic Association Regional Symposium for Central and Eastern Europe and
15-20 June 2010, Nessebar, Bulgaria

The International Society for Digital Earth
Invite you to participate in
12-14, June, 2010, Nessebar, Bulgaria
Important Dates
January 10, 2010 - Deadline of Abstract submission
January 30, 2010 - Notification of Acceptance
February 28, 2010 - Payment of early registration fee
May 1, 2010 - Paper submission and regular registrations
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Temenoujka Bandrova
University of Architecture, Civil Engineering
and Geodesy
1, Chr. Smirnenski Blvd. 1046 Sofia,
Fax: +359 2 866 22 01
Tel: +359 887 83 27 02
For up-to-date information please,
visit the conference website at:
Notice: these events do not have temporal conflict with the date of the 4th INSPIRE Conference scheduled for Krakow in the second half of June next year (RFG)

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Link to the official Press Release on the SDI Best Practice Award Conference

From our daily mail. Ms. Swetlana Fast (TU Darmstadt) wrote in her letter:
"Thank you very much for your contributions to the SDI Best Practice Award Conference held in Turin last week.
Please find enclosed the press release about the conference and the list of the winners for your information. Please feel free to distribute it among your contacts, mailing lists and in the press. In the case if you publish articles, papers etc. about results related to the Award or eSDI-Net+ activities, we would highly appreciate if you send us a copy of your publication or link to the according website.
The press release has been published at the project website in the news section under . You can find more details about the Award in the Get involved section under .
Thank you very much for your efforts."

Monday, November 30, 2009

The 24th European Conference on Object-oriented programming

ECOOP 2010
Maribor, Slovenia
21-25 June, 2010
For more information please click on the header to visit the relevant webpage document at

Central Asia GIS Conference - GISCA 2010

Central Asia GIS Conference - GISCA 2010
Water: Life, Risk, Energy and Landuse
May 27-28, 2010 - Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
The Austria-Central Asia Centre for GIScience at the Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transportation and Architecture, and the Centre for Geoinformatics (Z_GIS), University of Salzburg, Austria are proud to announce the:
4th GIS-in-Central-Asia Conference - GISCA 2010. The main objectives of this conference are to bring together GIS academics, researchers and practitioners in the Central Asian countries and encourage international cooperation and knowledge exchange in GIS education. Geographic Information Science and Technologies have evolved into a key instrument for managing our societies, environments and infrastructures, as well as individuals’ daily lives. Continued success of this development depends on cooperation across disciplines, open information policies and a highly educated workforce. The GISCA series of conferences aims at building a Central Asian network of GIS professionals supporting the sustained development of this region into an environmentally friendly, secure and prosperous society.
In 2010, GISCA is focused on the main theme of WATER:
* Life: WATER for drinking and agriculture
* Risk: WATER posing a threat to settlements
* Energy: WATER for renewable hydropower
* Landuse: WATER controlling regional landuse
Particularly due to climate change, increasing pressure on resources, regional conflicts and social dynamics, quality and quantity of water supply are critical factors in developing our societies. GIScience offers an indispensable set of instruments for managing the water cycle.
Information and Registration:
Press Contact:
Dagmar Baumgartner
Public Relations
University of Salzburg | Z_GIS Centre for Geoinformatics
Hellbrunnerstr. 34 | 5020 Salzburg | Austria
phone: + 43 (0) 662 8044 5224
fax: +43 (0) 662 8044 182

Presentations of the recent Stockholm Meeting on PSI & Re-use

The presentation of the Stimulation PSI Reuse: European Progress Meeting held in Stockholm on 24th November 2009 can be downloaded from the Epsiplatform website by clicking the header.

Friday, November 27, 2009

EUROGI General Board Meeting in Torino

Subjects discussed:
Impact of personal changes in the Organisation (Secretary-general leaves for a position R+D director at IGP by 1st December 2009.
Report on activities and financing (approved)
Report on the UN acknowledgement of EUROGI relevance
New membership applications (Slovenia approved)
Action plan and priorities
Next meetings (ExCom in Innsbruch early February, General Board Meeting in Brussels, late March next year)
Acknowledgement of the results achieved by eSDI-NET+ project and the European SDI Best Practice Conference hosted by Regione Piemonte.

The 12 selected of the 135 European SDI Best Practice Award Contest participations

Thursday, November 26, 2009

First day of the European SDI Best Practices Award Conference completed

Agenda of 26th November 2009 completed so far:
9.30 Registration of participants
10.00 Opening and welcome Sergio Conti (Regione Piemonte)
10.10 eSDI-Net+, Network for cross border dialogue Joachim Rix (eSDI-Net+ Coordinator)
10.30 Results of the European Sub-national SDIs Analysis Francois Salgé (EUROGI/AFIGEO)
Historical flashback
Mauro Salvemini (EUROGI)
11.00 Coffee break
11.30 First session: Institutional and organizational aspects Franco Vico (AMFM GIS Italia)
Presentations of pre-selected SDIs
- Centre Régional de l'Information Geographique (CRIGE) (France)
- GDI Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany)
- Infrastruttura per l’Informazione Territoriale (IIT) della Lombardia (Italy)
13.00 Lunch
14.30 Key note speaker: Prof. Bas Kok past President, GSDI Association
15.30 Second session: Users
Robin Waters (RSW Geomatics Ltd.), Gabor Remetey (HUNAGI)
Presentations of pre-selected SDIs
- IDEC Infraestructura de Dades Espacials de Catalunya (Spain)
- X BORDER GDI (The Netherland)
16.40 Coffee break
16.55 Third Session: Technological aspects
Artur Krawczyk (AGH University) and Franco Vico on behalf Danny Vandenbroucke (SADL / K.U.Leuven R&D)
- Presentations of pre-selected SDIs
- Forth Valley GIS (UK)
- SNIG - Sistema Nacional de Informação Geográfica (Portugal)
- IDERIOJA: Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales del Gobierno de La Rioja (Spain)
18.30 Conclusion of the works Joachim Rix (eSDI-Net+ Coordinator)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

eSDI-NET+ Consortium Meeting hosted by the Regione Piemonte

Dr. Eva Klien, chair of the WP5 on Sustainability deliver her report for discussion. Image: HUNAGI Visuals resource, 2009

EUROGI EMM Conference on European SDI Best Practice Award starts tomorrow

Icon of Torino, the Mole Antonelliana, site of the EUROGI EMM Social evening. Image: HUNAGI Visuals resource, 2009

VGI Research positions at JRC

Lago di Como, NE of Ispra Ispra. Image taken yesterday HUNAGI Visuals resource, 2009

From our daily mail:
"VGI Research positions at JRC
More general information about terms and conditions are available:
Dr. Max Craglia European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Environment and Sustainability, Spatial Data Infrastructures Unit T.P. 262, I-21027 Ispra (VA), Italy Tel: +39 0332 78 6269 Fax: +39 0332 78 6325 e-mail:

International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructures Research "
In the presentation of Robin Waters and the SG of HUNAGI tomorrow, the change of the role of the users of GI will be also emphasized by the unprecedently emerging VGI trend populating geotagged informations worldwide in the billions magnitude.
In this context the Workshop jointly organised by the UCSB, Los Alamos National Lab and the Vespucci Initiative devoted to this topic should be mentioned and for references revisited at:  
The European speaker who delivered a presentation on "SDI vs VGI" in 2007 was the same Prof. Max Cralia of DG JRC, Editor-in-chief of IJSDR, who will be the keynote speaker here in Torino tomorrow at the EUROGI Conference "European SDI Best Practices Award".

Monday, November 23, 2009

HUNAGI flyer prepared for the EUROGI EMM in Turin

The 2-page, up-to-date flyer of HUNAGI can be downloaded here
Front side:  Mission goal, objectives, international relations, activities in the past 12 months  
Rear side: members of HUNAGI according to sectors Visibility on the web, access data 
The latest e-Newsletter of HUNAGI can bedownloaded by clicking the header.

Subjects: ISDE Joined the Group of Earth Observations

Prof. Guo Huadong, Secretary General of ISDE. Image: HUNAGI Visuals resourcey, 2007

From our daily mail. Prof. Wang Changlin, Director of the Secretariat of ISDE wrote in his recet letter:
"At the 6th plenary session of the Group of Earth Observations (GEO) held in Washington DC on November 17, 2009, the International Society for Earth Observations was accepted to be a participating organization of the GEO, together with International Union of Geological Sciences. The above announcement was made by Dr. José Achache, GEO Secretariat Director at the plenary session. Total 7 organizations including for AIT, CUAHSI, EMWIS TU, ILTER, ISDE, IUGS, and SMEBD applied for being members of the GEO’s Participating Organizations, and the final decision was made at the GEO Executive Committee meeting one day before the Plenary session. In addition, 3 country members joined the GEO this year, which made GEO’s constitution of 83 country members and the European Commission, as well as 58 participating organizations.              
At the opening ceremony of the 6th International Symposium on Digital Earth held in Beijing, Dr. José Achache gave a presentation, and mentioning that ISDE had not participated in GEO’s activities, and wish ISDE could make contributions to GEO. Thereby, Prof. Guo Huadong wrote a letter to GEO Secretariat, and on behalf of ISDE submitted a proposal of being a member of the GEO’s participating organizations. The acceptance of ISDE to GEO will strengthen ISDE’s international recognition, and enable ISDE to participate into GEO’s events. For ISDE, it should  implement the GEOSS 10 years strategic plan and accept GEO's Cape Town Declaration in 2007. 
The next GEO’s ministerial summit and plenary session will be held in Beijing next year. For more information of GEO VI in Washington please refers to the report: .
Best regards
Wang Changlin, Prof. Dr.
Secretariat Director, International Society for Digital Earth
Assistant Editor, International Journal of Digital Earth
Center for Earth Observation and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences"

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Community Data Collection supports Nature Conservation in Hungary

Volunteer data collectors help the Nature Conservation using Google map based solution for geotagging observation of rare or endangered specimen. Some of the gathered data will feed the Nature Conservation Information System called TIR ( The concept and implementation were provided and enabled by the Ministry of Environment and Water Management.

Hungarian delegation at the ICA Conference in Santiago de Chile

Left to right: Jesus Reyes (ELTE), Pokoly, Béla (FVM), Zentai, László, Hargitai, Henrik (ELTE BTK), Gede, Mátyás (ELTE), Tóth, Katalin (DG JRC IES SDI) Image courtesy by Prof.László Zentai

Friday, November 20, 2009

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

INSPIRE Forum - a network for interested individuals established by Paul Smits of DG JRC

To join, please click on the Header.
Today, a Hungarian INSPIRE Interest Group has been established at the webpage of the INSPIRE FOrum to serve as forum for the experts of the Hungarian SDICs, LMOs and beyond...

VESTA-GIS Meeting hosted by the Institute of Land Development, Faculty of Geoinformatics WHU at Székesfehérvár today

A link to the program and participants will follow asap

Humboldt Reviewer and Advisory Board Meeting hosted by the Fraunhofer Institute in Darmstadt

Dániel Kristóf of FÖMI delivered an overview of the project. Image: HUNAGI Visuals resource, 2009
More information by clicking on the header.

Monday, November 16, 2009

European SDI Best Practice Awards 2009 - EUROGI Extended Member Meeting in Turin, Italy

European SDI Best Practice Awards 2009
Learning from Best Practices
Turin, Italy
26th and 27th November 2009

AGENDA – 26th November 2009
9.30 Registration of participants
10.00 Opening and welcome Sergio Conti (Regione Piemonte)
10.10 eSDI-Net+, Network for cross border dialogue Joachim Rix (eSDI-Net+ Coordinator)
10.30 Results of the European Sub-national SDIs Analysis Francois Salgé (EUROGI/AFIGEO)
Mauro Salvemini (EUROGI)
11.00 Coffee break
11.30 First session: Institutional and organizational aspects Franco Vico (AMFM GIS Italia)
Presentations of pre-selected SDIs
Centre Régional de l'Information Geographique (CRIGE) (France)
GDI Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany)
Infrastruttura per l’Informazione Territoriale (IIT) della Lombardia (Italy)
13.00 Lunch
14.30 Key note speaker To be confirmed
15.10 Second session: Users Gabor Remetey (HUNAGI)
Robin Waters (RSW Geomatics Ltd.)
Presentations of pre-selected SDIs
IDEC Infraestructura de Dades Espacials de Catalunya (Spain)
X BORDER GDI (The Netherland) Discussion
16.10 Coffee break
16.30 Third Session: Technological aspects Danny Vandenbroucke (SADL / K.U.Leuven R&D)
Artur Krawczyk (AGH University)
Presentations of pre-selected SDIs
Forth Valley GIS (UK)
SNIG - Sistema Nacional de Informação Geográfica (Portugal)
IDERIOJA: Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales del Gobierno de La Rioja (Spain)
18.00 Conclusion of the works Joachim Rix (eSDI-Net+ Coordinator)
Gala Dinner

9.00 Registration of participants
9.15 Opening and welcome Joachim Rix (eSDI-Net+ Coordinator)
9.20 INSPIRE and the importance of regional SDIs Max Craglia (JRC)
10.00 Forth Session: Thematic SDIs Bastiaan van Loenen (Delft University of Technology)
Presentations of pre-selected SDIs
Norway Digital-ND (Norway)
National Land & Property Gazetteer and National Street Gazetteer (UK)
SIG Pyrénèes (France) (Denmark)
11.30 coffee break
12.00 Explanation of Award Criteria Ian Masser (Senior Consultant)
12.20 Presentation of Best Practices Awards Ian Masser (Senior Consultant)
Krister Olsen (European Commission)
12.40 Conclusions and Next Steps Joachim Rix (eSDI-Net+ Coordinator)
13.00 Lunch
Conference venue
Centro Incontri della Regione Piemonte, corso Stati Uniti 23 – 10128, Turin, Italy
Gala Dinner
Mole Antonelliana – Museo Nazionale del Cinema, via Montebello, 20 – Turin, Italy
ESDI-Net+ Project Local Organizer
Technische Universität Darmstadt, GRIS, Regione Piemonte
Darmstadt, Germany Turin, Italy turin@esdinetplus.ue
Joachim Rix Patrizia Nazio
Phone +49 6151 155 221 Phone +39 011 4324282
Swetlana Fast Arianna Ros
Phone +49 6151 155 405 Phone +39 011 4323913
Minden fontos információ lehívható a címsorra kattintással.

Stimulating PSI Re-use - 1st ePSIplatform Meeting in Stockholm

From our daily mail. Federico Morando of the LAPSI project wrote recently:
"Dear All,
you are probably already aware of this PSI related meeting; in any case, I think that it may be appropriate to use our mailing list to share this kind of invitations and/or calls.
Thanks and best regards,
Federico Morando
-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        [Epsiplatform.newsletter] Registration Open - ePSIplatform Meeting 1 – Stimulating PSI Re-use: European Progress
Date:   Tue, 10 Nov 2009 06:47:51 +0000
From:   ePSIplatform Newsletter
*Dear Colleagues,*
*Date:* Tuesday, 24 November 2009 (one day)
*Location and Venue*: Aula Magna, Auditorium, Stockholm University, Sweden
This is the first of four meetings the ePSIplatform is hosting for the PSI community which will focus on issues, strategies, actions and information sharing to stimulate PSI re-use.  
*We hope that you can participate and contribute to the discussion and debate – share your experience and information either from the perspective of a PSI re-user or PSI holder.*
*What are the Meeting Objectives?*
To consider:
  * recent actions by the Swedish Government to improve the
    implementation of the re-use of public sector information
    framework by the summer of 2010
  * pragmatic initiatives taken by other Member States and public
    sector bodies to raise awareness and facilitation of the re-use of
*What will be Debated and Discussed?*
  * lessons from the Swedish Government initiatives
  * advantages of pragmatic solutions that have been used across Europe
*Overarching Goal?*
  * To assess whether these lessons are transferable and could be
    adopted across Europe
*Meeting Programme*
Access the Meeting Programme
The Meeting Programme includes updates from the European level, from Sweden and Spain followed by sessions on PSI regulation and pragmatic approaches adopted toward advancing PSI Re-use across Europe.
  * Part 1:  Setting the Scene
  * Part 2:  Focus on European and Member State Updates
  * Part 3:  Focus on Competition Law and Regulators
  * Part 4:  Focus on Pragmatic Issues Moving the PSI Re-use Agenda
*Meeting Participants:*
  * Policy makers
  * Researchers and practitioners
  * PSI holders
  * PSI re-users
  * Digital Activists
  * Advance registration is required. There is no registration fee.
  * To register for the meeting or for more information: contact the
    European PSI Platform Team by email
Regards, Rob Davies
Europe's One-Stop Shop on Public Sector Information (PSI) Re-use
Visit the European Public Sector Information (PSI) Platform for more information about the one-stop shop portal.
Please do not reply to this email message.  Should you want to unsubscribe to the ePSIplatform newsletter or notification options, or to deactivate your password at any time, please send a message to>
Contact: Rob Davies, European PSI Platform>
The European PSI Platform is funded under the European Commission’s eContentplus programme <>
Federico MORANDO
Managing Director & Research Fellow
NEXA Center for Internet & Society
Politecnico di Torino - DAUIN
Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24
tel.: +39 011 564 5954
fax: +39 011 564 7216
mob: +39 339 7507974
Epsiplatform.newsletter mailing list
lapsi-members mailing list
It should be mentioned, HUNAGI is involved both the LAPSI project as consortium member and HUNAGI SG is invited correspondent of the ePSIplatform project.