
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Please take a look! Journal of Agricultural Informatics

From our daily mail:
"We inform you that the latest issue of the Journal of Agricultural
Informatics ( ) has been published. The journal
is backed by an international editorial board and the Hungarian Association
of Agricultural Informatics (HAAI). It publishes 2-4 issues per year. We
hope the articles find your interest and are looking forward to receiving
your suggestions, and publication interests.

Journal articles of Vol. 3, No. 1 (2012)

The issue of Vol. 3, No. 1 in PDF.

Best regards,
Kálmán Rajkai
(Chair of the Editorial Board)
Miklós Herdon
(President of HAAI)"

NB: HUNAGI has seat in the Editorial Board. HAAI, the Hungarian Association of Agroinformatics is Member of HUNAGI and vica versa.

Friday, June 15, 2012

HUNAGI contribution to the panel discussion of the Information Society Parliament

On the second day of the Information Society Parliament panel discussion moderated by Attila Soltész, President of Infotér allowed interaction of the invited participants. Istvan Fekete, Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice announced  the latest development, the governmental approval of the Local Governments SAP project. In this context  the use of international standards was emphasized by the participants.
HUNAGI announced, that after 20 years delay Hungary joined the Open Geospatial Consortium, which prepares de-facto industrial standards in the field of geospatial high-tech developments and applications. The first Hungarian member of OGC is the Károly Róbert College in Gyöngyös. Based on preliminary agreement it is anticipated, that some associated dissemination activities will be provided by HUNAGI for the benefit of the GI/GIS community. In the adoption of the international standards prepared by ISO TC 211 and CEN TC 287 the Hungarian Standardisation Board (MSZT) is supported by an inter-ministerial  Working Group on GIS (MCS828), where the civil societies are also represented.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Recommendation submitted by HUNAGI has been voted by the Information Society Parliament

The Information Society Parliament was arranged by the second time by Infotér. The first day of the event was hosted by the Upper House Hall of the Parliament building where all ministries and governmental agencies were represented on high level including the Minister of the Ministry of Human Resources. About 700 participants applied for participation  from the civil sector. Some weeks earlier they have the chance to suggest issues to be addressed by the agenda, formulate written proposals to be voted and put questions to be answered by the relevant governmental decision makers, responsible civil servants.
By the end of the first day the Information Society Parliament has voted two proposals, asking the supportive contribution of the Subcommittee on Informatics of the Hungarian Parliament's Committee on Economics and Informatics and to submit them to the Government.
- the first proposal was urging the Government to make action plan to reduce the digital gap, 
- the second proposal (formulated and presented by HUNAGI) was urging the Government to make action plan
for strengthen the preparedness of the local governments to able using the potentials of mobil GIS and VGI widely at the time when the broadband will be available for all of the municipalities in 2013. In the escorting background material many of the positive societal-ecoomic impacts have been introduced.
HUNAGI formulated some questions as well in the topics INSPIRE  and GMES coordination, GEO and UNSDI/GGIM, involvement of civil sector and about the intention of the government to reform the old AK (gold crown)-based land evaluation system.
A more detailed Hungarian version of the report is available at HUNAGI Napló (assisted by machine translator)

Károly Róbert College - first Hungarian member of the Open Geospatial Consortium

KFR campus in Gyöngyös. HUNAGI, 2011
Membership is effective since May 2012. As agreed with Károly Robert College the member of the Open Geospatial Consortium, HUNAGI will play dissemination and promotional role in line with OGC policy.
KRF is the first ever Hungarian institution having membership in OGC. This open new vistas for the benefit of the students, in the work of KRF serving UNOOSA SPIDER as Regional Support Office and also for the Hungarian GI community. The use of  standards are inevitable in the implementation of any of the program from local to cross country  applications in line with European and domestic legislation frameworks.
The more detailed Hungarian version of the news is available at HUNAGI Napló (assisted by machine translator)

HUNAGI - Silicon Valley link established thanks to Linkedin

By invitation, HUNAGI has the chance to be involved in the European Challenge Camp action of the NASA Ames Research Center's World Wind project, which is about opensource tools for application developments using open data and open standards in the field of GI, GIS and remote sensing.  Posts related to the development of the promising cooperation are available already in the HUNAGI Napló (assisted by machine translator to English). The connection was established thanks to the social network of professionals Linkedin some days ago.

Monday, June 11, 2012

HUNAGI's support letter in the Centre of Excellence for UNSDI subject

UN Security Council. 
HUNAGI visuals resource, 2004
The support letter (initially submitted to the 12th UNGIWG Plenary Meeting held in Vienna) has been sent to the Ambassador of the Permanent Representative of Hungary to the United Nations in New York to inform the Mission about the CoE4UNSDI and some related ongoing actions.
Further illustrations: UN Building hosting the UN Cartographic Unit of the Peacekeeping Operations.

Saturday, June 09, 2012

Authentic website visualising the latest seismic events in the Euro-Mediterranean Region

Credit: EMSC/CSEM,
If you are interested on the latest seismic events in the Euro-Mediterranean region. please visit  the EMSC-CSEM website for data and thematic maps related to  the past hors, days and weeks phenomena.
Mr. Gilles of EMSC/CSEM submitted the following description on the activities of the organisation: "The European Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC), hosted by the LDG (Laboratoire de Détection et de Géophysique, Bruyères-le-Châtel, France), is a non-profit scientific international NGO which provides rapid earthquake information in coordination with the national seismological institutes in the Euro-Med region. Currently, 84 seismological institutes are members from 55 countries covering the whole Euro-Med region. The main scientific activities of the EMSC are the real time information services and the production of the Euro-Med Bulletin ("

Friday, June 08, 2012

Czech SDI portal follows the HUNAGI UNSDI-HUCO Newsblog

Recent citation as of 8 June 2012:

Date: June 6, 2012
Location: Budapest V. Erzsébet tér, Akvárium (Gödör) Klub
For details...

2012-06-04Newest UN SPIDER Newsletter

2012-06-01Communication on UNSDI between HUNAGI and the Hungarian GGIM Delegates
The invited Hungarian Delegates have been informed on the Center of...
The Czech portal called "Geoportal" is linked on the right column of this blog.

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

HITS - Hungarian Innovation TechShow with HUNAGI member GeoX Ltd

Date: June 6, 2012
Location: Budapest V. Erzsébet tér, Akvárium (Gödör) Klub
For details please visit the official website.
Join to watch the video broadcast during the event at
Illustration (screenshot) Reality - Cooperation between the Silicon Valley and Central Europe!

Monday, June 04, 2012

Newest UN SPIDER Newsletter

Fom our daily mail. Sent by the UN-SPIDER Team of UNOOSA this evening:
Technical Advisory Mission to Cabo Verde: Call for experts
"Dear Colleagues,
please find attached the UN-SPIDER May 2012 Updates. 

(See attached file: UN-SPIDER Updates May 2012.pdf)
What you can find in the May 2012 issue:
UN-SPIDER at a glance

Friday, June 01, 2012

Communication on UNSDI between HUNAGI and the Hungarian GGIM Delegates

The invited Hungarian Delegates have been informed on the Center of Excellence of the UN SDI project announced at the 12th UNGIWG Meeting and endorsed by countries such as Germany and Australia.
The CeO UNSDI document was submitted to the Head of the Department of Land Administration at MoRural Development and the Director-general of the Institute of Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing. HUNAGI as UNSDI HUCO is considering to submit a statement to the Hungarian stakeholders endorse the forward looking UN initiative. It is anticipated, the issue will be addressed at the UN GGIM in New York as well. 

Proposal to host a GMES Workshop in Hungary

As a response on the Call for Proposals announced by EUROGI, HUNAGI submitted a proposal on 30th May offering to organise and host a GMES dissemination Workshop in Hungary. The proposal has been made in conjuction with Károly Róbert College (KRF), member of HUNAGI, which serves as UN SPIDER Regional Support Office since February 2012. The recommended venue is in the KRF Campus in Gyöngyös, the primary suggested date is in February 2013 (but December 14-15, 2012 is also possible). Illustration: HUNAGI, 2011

HUNAGI at the Global Geospatial Conference 2012

Picture: L&SE Committee Workshop moderated by 
Bastiaan van Loenen. HUNAGI, 2012
The event attracted 680 people from 556 countries was hosted by Canada in Québec City between 13-17 May. 
A summary of the event can be found at: 
HUNAGI contributions include:
- participation of the GSDI Council Meeting and report on the GEO VIII and WGISS 31-33 Meetings on May 13
(pdf downloadable)
- participation of the Assembly of the International Geospatial Society on May 13
- participation of the Legal and Socioecon Committee"s Workshop and promoting the EU LAPSI project in the context Global Survey of Licence Models on May 14
- delivering an oral presentation at the session "Spatially Enabling Government"  on May 15 (Pdf downloadable: 18.5 MB)
- moderating the session "Spatially Enabling Government" on May 16