Mission goals and strategic priorities include: Act according to the European Commission INSPIRE principles and coordinate with the UNSDI development process. Support national/cross-border implementation of the INSPIRE Directive. Awareness raising on SDI at political level. Strengthen cohesion between stakeholders and other interested parties ie. public services, SMEs and SDICs. Provide synergies in local, regional, national and global dimensions with outreach towards EU neighbouring countries
Monday, January 28, 2008
Final Report of the 8th UNGIWG Plenary Meeting is available
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Fresh Newsblog 2008 Launched
So far 4 new spots have been inserted including news on GSDI-10 and the UNESCO and the IUGS (International Union of Geological Sciences) driven IYPE - from Hungarian viewpoint.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
GEOS-2008 in Prague
Triple Action in the Czech Capital
Dr. Jitka Jurková sent the 2nd Call on the Conference
Please download it from: here
Siberia GI/GIS
The Fourth International Exhibition and Scientific Congress
APRIL 22 – 24, 2008
Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Above Siberia. Images: HUNAGI Visuals resource, 2005
From HUNAGI's daily mail received from the Siberian State Academy of Geodesy:
"Dear Colleagues!
The Siberian State Academy of Geodesy and the Siberian Fair, the largest exhibition center beyond the Urals, are pleased to invite you to participate in the Fourth International Exhibition and Scientific Congress “GEO-SIBERIA-2008”.
In 2005 the Siberian Forum “GEO-SIBERIA” became the first exhibition experience beyond the Urals that combined the international exhibition and congress. It is remarkable that the Siberian State Academy of Geodesy has become as an organizer of this event. This allowed representing very brilliantly a scientific component of the exhibition – the congress, and engaging the specialized research institutes of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SB RAS), Moscow State University of Geodesy, Cartography (MIIGAiK), Tomsk Polytechnic University and other higher educational institutions to participate it as well.
Annually, at the end of April, a large variety of professionals in geosciences from different cities of the Russian Federation have an opportunity to exchange their knowledge, experience, to get acquainted with the most contemporary equipment, techniques, and technologies claimed by time and life.
Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
The Federal Service of Geodesy and Cartography of Russia
Federal Real Estate Cadastre Agency
Federal Subsoil Use Agency (Rosnedra)
Administration of the Siberian Federal District
Administration of Novosibirsk Region
Municipal Administration of Novosibirsk
Association of Siberian and Far Eastern Cities
Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SB RAS)
International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS)
International Cartographic Association (ICA)
European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers(EAGE)
German Association for Geodesy Geoinformation and Land Management (DVW)
German Cartographic Society e.V. (DGfK)
German Association for Cartography
Geodesy/Surveying and Mine Surveying
Geology, Geophysics, Geodynamics and Geochemistry
Land Management, Real Property Cadastre, Forestry Management
Cartography and Geoinformation
Environmental Monitoring, Geoecology and Remote Sensing of the Earth
Customized Instrumentation, Thermophysics, Microtechnics and Metrology
The Second Gold Medal of the Siberian Fair” Contest
Delineation of state-owned property as immovable property objects. Generation of cadastral entities. GIS/LIS. Public cadastral valuation of lands, localities and real property objects. Regulations of land and property management by public authorities.
Cartographic products: atlases, maps, and DTMs. Production and updating of maps and atlases by computer-aided GIS technologies.
Geoinformational mapping (procedures, automated map generalization, satellite data processing, electronic atlases). Using a GIS for spatial data preparing and assessment of natural, social and economic entities. Multimedia cartographic items and their representation in the Internet. Cartographic design and the Internet. Making of e-handbooks.
Forestry and forestry management . Forestry management using GIS technologies . Forest monitoring by remote sensing. Technologies for compilation of forest maps and cartographic database design.
Mineral deposit exploration and techniques. Applied geochemistry. Geological survey. Paleontology and areal geology. Mineralogy and petrology. Problems of geotectonics and geomorphology of minerals.
Geophysical equipment. Geophysical methods of mineral deposit prospecting. Magnetic geophysics. Seismology. Global and geoexploration. Modelling of natural phenomena. Geotectonics.
ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND REMOTE SENSING OF THE EARTH Integrated monitoring. Monitoring by aerial and satellite photos. Photogrammetric technologies . Software for remote sensing data processing.
Optical instrumentation . Holography. Thermophysics. Microtechnics. New technologies in optical instrumentation. Development of new procedures and means for metrological control of measurements.
‘GEO-Siberia -2007’. Figures. Comments
More than 400 companies from Moscow, St.-Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Kemerovo, Krasnodar, Krasnoyarsk, Minsk, Oktyabrsk, Omsk, Tomsk, Tyumen, and Khabarovsk took part in the International Exhibition and Scientific Congress “GEO-Siberia-2007”. Among the foreign representatives there were organizations and manufacturing companies from Austria, Australia, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Germany, Egypt, Mongolia, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
An important event timed to “GEO-Siberia” opening has become the solemn ceremony of awarding well-known professors by the title of “Honorary Professor” of the Siberian State Academy of Geodesy.
The considerable part of exposition was composed of stands where the leading Russian manufacturers and distributors of world geo-market leaders such as GEOLASER, LLC; PRIN, ZAO; TRIMBLE; JENA INSTRUMENT, Ltd; URALGEOTECHNOLOGI, JSC; ELSAN, Ltd; NEVA TECHNOLOGY, Ltd; URAL MECHANO-OPTICAL PLANT exhibited their surveying equipment, measuring systems used for surveying works and mine surveying, total stations, electronic and optical theodolites, optical and laser levels, range finders, and terrestrial laser scanners. “Leica Geosystems” was the first to exhibit in Novosibirsk its advanced equipment manufactured in Russia. The representatives of this company mentioned that the Swiss developers made a decision to exhibit its new products produced by the “Experimental Mechano-Optical Plant” (Moscow).
Within the framework of the congress there were six topics, 27 technical sessions with 533 presentations made by professionals from 175 companies and organizations.
The Siberian State Academy of Geodesy published the technical programme and proceedings of the congress in 9 volumes on paper and a CD-ROM.
220/10, Krasny prospekt
Novosibirsk, 630049
Russian Federation
Tel.: + 7 (383) 2106290, 2255151
Fax: + 7 (383) 2259845
Email: strutz@sibfair.ru
Contact person: Marina Chekalina
International Project Manager
10, Plakhotnogo Ul.
Novosibirsk, 630108
Russian Federation
Tel/ Fax: + 7 (383) 3432921
Fax: + 7 (383) 3443060
Congress Secretary: Argina Novitskaya
E -mail: argina@gmx.de , oms_ssga@mail.ru
Home phone: +7 (383) 260 06 73
Mobile phone: +79139360456
www.geosiberia.ssga.ru "
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Global Launch Event of the IYPE branded actions all over the world
Source: National IYPE Committee, Hungary, 2008
International Year of the Planet Earth 2008
Global Launch Event in Paris
UNESCO HQ, February 12-13, 2008
The selected conceptual issues on IYPE’s subtitle ‘Earth Sciences for Society’ will be addressed: (1) Earth Resources, (2) Hazards, (3) Megacities and Soils, and (4) Where is System Earth heading to?
In the Earth Resources session speakers include Dr Mark Myers, Director of US Geological Survey. (USGS is deeply involved in NSDI/GSDI, Digital Mapping and Earth Observation related services)
International website: http://www.yearofplanetearth.org/
56 countries including Hungary has National IYPE Committee orchestrating national campaignes
HUNAGI plans dedicated action with UNSDI HUCO stakeholders. News will be released asap
The opening of the Hungarian campaigne is arranged by the National IYPE Committee
in April, hosted by the Natural History Museum in Budapest under the auspices of the State President. Authentic information: www.foldev.hu
Germany arranged its first GIS conference dedicated to IYPE on "Sustanainabilityof the inter-regional cooperation and interoperability in the Europe of regions:
GI2008-Symposium, 8. Sächsisches GIS-FORUM,
Dresden, 15./16. Mai 2008
OPEN 'Call for Presentation' mit internationaler Beteiligung in der Europawoche:
zum Leitthema:
"Nachhaltigkeit der interregionalen Zusammenarbeit und Interoperabilität im Europa der Regionen -
Ausbildung, Fortbildung und Weiterbildung für eine nachhaltige Infrastrukturentwicklung im
Geo-, Umwelt- und Planungssektor"
- Inter-regionaler Erfahrungsaustausch zur postgradualen Weiterbildung, beruflichen Fortbildung und schulischen Ausbildung für die Geo- & Umwelt-Informationswirtschaft
- Bildungsanforderungen aus fachlichen, technischen und organisatorischen Strukturen und Prozessen zur Entwicklung von INSPIRE-orientierten Lerninhalten für den Geo-, Umwelt- und Planungs-Sektor im interregionalen Vergleich
- Methodischer Einsatz von interoperablen MetaInformations-Systemen, Web-Technologien und Anwendungen für 'Public'-Sektor-Informationen (PSI) sowie inter-regionale Geo-DIENSTE-Infrastrukturen [X-GDI]
- EU-LLP2008-2010, Fortbildungsprogramme, eLernsysteme, X-GDI- und 'Best Practice'-Beispiele in der schulischen Ausbildung, universitären Fortbildung sowie beruflichen Weiterbildung für eine nachhaltige, inter-regionale Entwicklung im Europa der Regionen (Umwelt-Monitoring, GeoRessourcen-Nutzung sowie Stadt&Regionalplanung)
- *15* Jahre Weiterbildungserfahrungen in der OpenGIS- & GeoINSPIRE'd postgradualen Fortbildung für den Geo- und Umweltsektor im Bildungswerk Ost-West (BOW)
- =>> Public Call For Presentations: 01.02.2008
- [ http://gdi-sn.blogspot.com/ ] & [ http://www.ign-sn.de/ ]
- =>> Einreichungstermin Autoren, Thema, Abstrakt bis: 15.03.2008
- =>> Beitragsauswahl und Programminformation: bis 30.04.2008
- =>> Anmeldung zur Teilnahme: ab 15.04.2008 bis 05.05.2008
- [ Mailto:GI2008@IGN-SN.de ]
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
The first international conference that brings together scientists from the Geoinformatics and from the Global Change Research
The web site www.isde-summit-2008.org will be fully functional by the end of this week. The flyer is available also from www.fomi.hu/hunagi/pdf/2004/Flyer_ISDE08.pdf