In December 2009 this site had visitors from 52 countries
In January 2010 this site had 404 visitors from 65 countries
Mission goals and strategic priorities include: Act according to the European Commission INSPIRE principles and coordinate with the UNSDI development process. Support national/cross-border implementation of the INSPIRE Directive. Awareness raising on SDI at political level. Strengthen cohesion between stakeholders and other interested parties ie. public services, SMEs and SDICs. Provide synergies in local, regional, national and global dimensions with outreach towards EU neighbouring countries
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Newest Call on the GI2010 Symposium
From our daily mail. Doz.Frank Hoffmann submitted his newest call this afternoon:
" Liebe Listenteilnehmer
und interessierte Studierende & Doktoranden
sowie GIS-Experten und GDI-Projekt-Koordinatoren
in Kommunen und Landkreisen:
Am 14./15. Mai 2010 findet in Dresden das GI2010-Symposium, d.h. nach GI2000
vor 10 Jahren nunmehr bereits das "10. Sächsische GIS-Forum" - GI2010 - statt.
GI2010 zeichnet sich wie in den vergangenen 10 Jahren "GI2000+X" dadurch aus,
daß erneut - im Unterschied zu anderen sächsischen GIS-Veranstaltungen -
das Tagungsprogramm aus einem offenen Aufruf komponiert wird, um mehr
Transparenz und offene Diskussionen zum "Status-quo" der Implementierung
der europäischen Direktiven PSI (2003/98/EC), ACCESS (2003/4/EC) bzw.
INSPIRE (2007/2/EC) zu demonstrieren.
Anläßlich unseres 10-jährigen Jubiläums "10. Sächsisches GIS-Forum - GI2010 - "
konnten erneut hochrangige EU-Experten auf dem Gebiet von eGOVERNMENT,
GEOINFO und INSPIRE aus AT, BE, CZ, und UK gewonnen werden.
Darüber hinaus bietet der gemeinnützige IGN-Verein interessierten Fachexperten
und Praktikern aus den Fachbereichen GEO+UMWELT+PLANUNG auch 2010 wieder
die Möglichkeit, sich als Autor neben weiteren europäischen Keynote-Referenten mit
einer eigenen Präsentation (Vortrag, Poster, PC-Demo oder Workshop-Angebot)
einzubringen (siehe dazu auch archivierte Proceedings von GI2009 bzw. GI2008
auf der EU-ePSIplatform).
Die Dokumente für den OPEN Call sowie das ABSTRACT-Template
stehen bereits zum Herunterladen (siehe unten) zur Verfügung.
Focus: KommunalGIS, RegionalGDI sowie Grenzüberschreitende GDI
Demos: "Best PSI+SDI practice"-Interoperability + EU-Projekt-Sustainability
Der IGN-Vorstand nimmt Ihre Präsentationsvorschläge bis zum 15. März entgegen.
Einzureichen sind: Titel, Stichworte sowie Inhalt max. 100-150 Worte in DE, EN oder RU)
entsprechend dem vorgegebenen ABSTRACT Format der GI2010-Veröffentlichung .
Autoren werden bis zum 31 März 2010 über die Einordnung in das Programm informiert.
Weitere Details, Updates sowie Kontaktinformationen: s.unten englische Ankündigung !
Informationen für die Registrierung der Teilnehmer erscheinen bis Ende März
auf dem Weblog - Geospatial Saxony - [ ] !
ign-v4 / 27.01.2010 / 17:00
The OPEN Call for Presentations at GI2010-Symposium-DRESDEN
has been published !
The IGN e.V. (Saxony / Germany) is calling for submissions to the
10th Anniversary of GI2010-Symposium, Dresden: 14./15. May 2010
"10. Sächsisches GIS-Forum"
Please, read PRESS announcements at GIS-News, CAGI, ePSIplatform or HUNAGI:
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
DOWNLOAD the OPEN CFP.pdf (full text) + ABSTRACT.doc (template)
via the weblog page at:
[ ]
or directly from CZ-CAGI website:
[ ]
We look forward to proposals for presentation in session:
- OPEN Call for Presentations within INNOVATION Session
- OPEN Call for Presentations within X-BORDER-SDI Session
- OPEN Call for Presentations within NETWORKS Session
( Presentation formats: paper v poster v pc-demo v workshop )
Please note the ABSTRACT submission deadline as of March, 15th, 2010 !
( max. 100-150 words either in DE v EN v RU language / abstract template to be used )
Dresden, 26. January 2010
IGN e.V.
[ ]
[ ]
WEBLOG Geospatial SAXONY Feeds:
[ ]
[ ]
ARCHIV: GI2009-Symposium - 9. Sächsisches GIS-Forum, Dresden 2009
[ ]
ARCHIV: GI2008-Symposium - 8. Sächsisches GIS-Forum, Dresden 2008
[ ] "
" Liebe Listenteilnehmer
und interessierte Studierende & Doktoranden
sowie GIS-Experten und GDI-Projekt-Koordinatoren
in Kommunen und Landkreisen:
Am 14./15. Mai 2010 findet in Dresden das GI2010-Symposium, d.h. nach GI2000
vor 10 Jahren nunmehr bereits das "10. Sächsische GIS-Forum" - GI2010 - statt.
GI2010 zeichnet sich wie in den vergangenen 10 Jahren "GI2000+X" dadurch aus,
daß erneut - im Unterschied zu anderen sächsischen GIS-Veranstaltungen -
das Tagungsprogramm aus einem offenen Aufruf komponiert wird, um mehr
Transparenz und offene Diskussionen zum "Status-quo" der Implementierung
der europäischen Direktiven PSI (2003/98/EC), ACCESS (2003/4/EC) bzw.
INSPIRE (2007/2/EC) zu demonstrieren.
Anläßlich unseres 10-jährigen Jubiläums "10. Sächsisches GIS-Forum - GI2010 - "
konnten erneut hochrangige EU-Experten auf dem Gebiet von eGOVERNMENT,
GEOINFO und INSPIRE aus AT, BE, CZ, und UK gewonnen werden.
Darüber hinaus bietet der gemeinnützige IGN-Verein interessierten Fachexperten
und Praktikern aus den Fachbereichen GEO+UMWELT+PLANUNG auch 2010 wieder
die Möglichkeit, sich als Autor neben weiteren europäischen Keynote-Referenten mit
einer eigenen Präsentation (Vortrag, Poster, PC-Demo oder Workshop-Angebot)
einzubringen (siehe dazu auch archivierte Proceedings von GI2009 bzw. GI2008
auf der EU-ePSIplatform).
Die Dokumente für den OPEN Call sowie das ABSTRACT-Template
stehen bereits zum Herunterladen (siehe unten) zur Verfügung.
Focus: KommunalGIS, RegionalGDI sowie Grenzüberschreitende GDI
Demos: "Best PSI+SDI practice"-Interoperability + EU-Projekt-Sustainability
Der IGN-Vorstand nimmt Ihre Präsentationsvorschläge bis zum 15. März entgegen.
Einzureichen sind: Titel, Stichworte sowie Inhalt max. 100-150 Worte in DE, EN oder RU)
entsprechend dem vorgegebenen ABSTRACT Format der GI2010-Veröffentlichung .
Autoren werden bis zum 31 März 2010 über die Einordnung in das Programm informiert.
Weitere Details, Updates sowie Kontaktinformationen: s.unten englische Ankündigung !
Informationen für die Registrierung der Teilnehmer erscheinen bis Ende März
auf dem Weblog - Geospatial Saxony - [ ] !
ign-v4 / 27.01.2010 / 17:00
The OPEN Call for Presentations at GI2010-Symposium-DRESDEN
has been published !
The IGN e.V. (Saxony / Germany) is calling for submissions to the
10th Anniversary of GI2010-Symposium, Dresden: 14./15. May 2010
"10. Sächsisches GIS-Forum"
Please, read PRESS announcements at GIS-News, CAGI, ePSIplatform or HUNAGI:
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
DOWNLOAD the OPEN CFP.pdf (full text) + ABSTRACT.doc (template)
via the weblog page at:
[ ]
or directly from CZ-CAGI website:
[ ]
We look forward to proposals for presentation in session:
- OPEN Call for Presentations within INNOVATION Session
- OPEN Call for Presentations within X-BORDER-SDI Session
- OPEN Call for Presentations within NETWORKS Session
( Presentation formats: paper v poster v pc-demo v workshop )
Please note the ABSTRACT submission deadline as of March, 15th, 2010 !
( max. 100-150 words either in DE v EN v RU language / abstract template to be used )
Dresden, 26. January 2010
IGN e.V.
[ ]
[ ]
WEBLOG Geospatial SAXONY Feeds:
[ ]
[ ]
ARCHIV: GI2009-Symposium - 9. Sächsisches GIS-Forum, Dresden 2009
[ ]
ARCHIV: GI2008-Symposium - 8. Sächsisches GIS-Forum, Dresden 2008
[ ] "
Thursday, January 21, 2010
HUNAGI Conference on Opensource softwares and freely accessible spatial data in use for the local governments
Image: HUNAGI Visuals resource, 2010

Venue: Budapest
Date: 25 February, 2010
To register please click on the header or on the following link:
To see the program in Hungarian, please use the following link:
The program in English is as follows:
eSDI-Net+ project webpage in Hungarian has been launched!
The project website has a multi-lingual environment using languages mainly from the Central European region including Czech, Polish and Hungarian. The Hungarian translation has been made by Mária Tóth, who is active as senior counsellor at the Dept. of Land Administration and Geoinformation of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Recent visitors of this newsblog

Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Brainstorming on Space-related activities
Hosted by the National Office on Research and Technology, the joint meeting of the Hungarian Space Research Council and the Scientific Council on Space Research was co-caired by President Kámán Kovács and Prof. Dr. Pap László.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Closing Meeting of the Hungarian Board on International Year of the Planet Earth
Atthe meeting hosted by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Dr. Károly Brezsnyánszky, Chairman of the Board has informed the members on the Report of the Hungarian IYPE related activities to be submitted for the Division of Geosciences tomorrow.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
DE in Europe - final discussion participated by Prof. Leen Hordijk, Director of IES, DG JRC
From left to right: Prof. Miln Konecny, Vice-President of the International Society Digital Earth, Paul Smits, Section Head, INSPIRE Implementation at the Spatial Data Infrastructure Unit of IES, DG JRC, Prof. Leen Hordijk, Director of IES and Dr. Alessandro Annoni, Head of the SDI Unite, at IES, DG JRC.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Europe in the Digital Earth - discussion forum organised by DG JRC
The meeting was opened by the host Alessandro Annoni in the Ispra Establishment of the DG JRC IES on 14th January 2010.
Anniversary event - 10 Years of Saxonian GIS Forum in Dresden
From our daily mail. Doz.Dr.Frank Hoffman wrote in his morning message today:
"The OPEN Call for Presentations at GI2010-Symposium-DRESDEN
has been published today !
The IGN e.V. (Saxony / Germany) is calling for submissions to the
10th Anniversary of GI2010-Symposium, Dresden: 14./15. May 2010
"10. Sächsisches GIS-Forum"
Please, read the news announcement on ePSIplatform at:
Download the full CFP text + ABSTRACT template via the weblog page at:
We look forward to your submissions to contribute a presentation
proposal (paper v poster v pc-demo v workshop):
- OPEN Call for Presentations within INNOVATION Session
- OPEN Call for Presentations within X-BORDER-SDI Session
- OPEN Call for Presentations within NETWORKS Session
Please note the ABSTRACT submission deadline as of March, 15th, 2010.
( max. 100-150 words either in DE v EN v RU language )
Dresden, 13. January 2010
IGN e.V.
[ ]
WEBLOG Geospatial SAXONY Feeds:
[ ]
ARCHIV: GI2009-Symposium - 9. Sächsisches GIS-Forum, Dresden 2009
ARCHIV: GI2008-Symposium - 8. Sächsisches GIS-Forum, Dresden 2008
HUNAGI is the National GI Association having 101 member member institutions and organisations.
For more information on Geospatial Hungary please visit
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Newest UN SPIDER Newsletter
From our daily mail. The newset UN OOSA SPIDER Newsletter has been distributed with the following escorting letter:
"Dear Colleagues,
Please find attached the UN-SPIDER December 2009 Updates. Please forward
this E-Mail to colleagues who might benefit from receiving the information.
This publication is also accessible at:
1. UNOOSA staff bridge climate change mitigation and space-based technology
at COP15
2. UN-SPIDER 2010-2011 Workplan approved by Member States
3. COPUOS S&T to consider UN-SPIDER Progress and Planned Activities
4. UN-SPIDER conducts Technical Advisory Mission to Jamaica
5. UN-SPIDER participates in the 4th Caribbean Conference on Comprehensive
Disaster Management
6. Technical Advisory Mission conducted in Fiji
7. Technical Advisory Mission conducted in Samoa
8. Fifth UN-SPIDER Regional Support Office established in Algeria
9. UN OCHA Sri Lanka office launched new Map Atlas
NIDM – UNOOSA Workshop: Use of Space Technology for Disaster Risk
Reduction, New Delhi, India, 11-13 January 2010
Asian Conference on Disaster Reduction 2010, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan, 17-19
January 2010
The 16th Session of the Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum
(APRSAF-16), Phuket, Thailand, 26-29 January 2010
GI4DM 2010 Conference, February 2-4, 2010, Torino, Italy
International Training Course on Application of Space Technology for
Disaster Management Support with Emphasis on Geological Risk Management
Fourth Central Asia GIS Conference - GISCA 2010: Water: Life, Risk, Energy
and Landuse - May 27-28, 2010, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic "
"Dear Colleagues,
Please find attached the UN-SPIDER December 2009 Updates. Please forward
this E-Mail to colleagues who might benefit from receiving the information.
This publication is also accessible at:
at COP15
2. UN-SPIDER 2010-2011 Workplan approved by Member States
3. COPUOS S&T to consider UN-SPIDER Progress and Planned Activities
4. UN-SPIDER conducts Technical Advisory Mission to Jamaica
5. UN-SPIDER participates in the 4th Caribbean Conference on Comprehensive
Disaster Management
6. Technical Advisory Mission conducted in Fiji
7. Technical Advisory Mission conducted in Samoa
8. Fifth UN-SPIDER Regional Support Office established in Algeria
9. UN OCHA Sri Lanka office launched new Map Atlas
NIDM – UNOOSA Workshop: Use of Space Technology for Disaster Risk
Reduction, New Delhi, India, 11-13 January 2010
Asian Conference on Disaster Reduction 2010, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan, 17-19
January 2010
The 16th Session of the Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum
(APRSAF-16), Phuket, Thailand, 26-29 January 2010
GI4DM 2010 Conference, February 2-4, 2010, Torino, Italy
International Training Course on Application of Space Technology for
Disaster Management Support with Emphasis on Geological Risk Management
Fourth Central Asia GIS Conference - GISCA 2010: Water: Life, Risk, Energy
and Landuse - May 27-28, 2010, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic "
Friday, January 08, 2010
GI Testbed - Call for Proposal
The Call of the GI Testbed Management is dowloadable by klicking the header. Deadline is January 27, 2010 !
4th INSPIRE Conference will be held in Poland
INSPIRE Conference
Krakow, 23-25 June 2010
From our daily mail. Forwarded by EUROGI, the following Call was received yesterday evening:
"The INSPIRE Conference 2010, ( will take place from 23 to 25 June 2010 in Krakow, Poland. On 22 June pre-conference workshops will be organized. The theme of this year’s edition is "INSPIRE as a Framework for Cooperation".
The INSPIRE Conference will be organised through a series of plenary sessions addressing common policy issues, and parallel sessions focusing in particular on applications and implementations of SDIs, research issues and new and evolving technologies and applications and poster presentations.
Participation in the INSPIRE Conference is open to all individuals interested in or working in the field of SDI development and implementation. Abstracts must be received by the deadline will be considered for program placement under the standard review process.
Topics for which contributions are sought include, but are not limited to,
INSPIRE Implementation: Legislative measures, coordination and organisational models
INSPIRE and the global context: Global Monitoring for Environment and Security, Global Earth Observation System of Systems, United Nations SDI
Thematic communities
Licensing frameworks
GeoPortals and registries
Social and economic impacts
Education and awareness raising
Trans-national SDI projects (including EU (co-)funded projects)
New policies, new requirements, new stakeholders
New and Evolving tools and technologies
We are particularly interested in accounts of what works, and what does not work, what are perceived benefits for policy, public administration, citizens and the private sector. Proposals will be evaluated by the programme committee and those accepted will be included in the on-line conference proceedings.
Best Regards,
The INSPIRE Team "
Important deadlines
Abstract and paper submission open 16 December 2009
Deadline for abstract submission 1 February 2010
Deadline for Workshop proposals 1 February 2010
Abstract acceptance/rejection notice for presentation 15 March 2010
Deadline for submission of full papers for IJSDIR 22 June 2010
Deadline for early registration: 19 April 2010
INSPIRE Conferences 22 - 25 June 2010
Source: please click on the header
Krakow, 23-25 June 2010
From our daily mail. Forwarded by EUROGI, the following Call was received yesterday evening:
"The INSPIRE Conference 2010, ( will take place from 23 to 25 June 2010 in Krakow, Poland. On 22 June pre-conference workshops will be organized. The theme of this year’s edition is "INSPIRE as a Framework for Cooperation".
The INSPIRE Conference will be organised through a series of plenary sessions addressing common policy issues, and parallel sessions focusing in particular on applications and implementations of SDIs, research issues and new and evolving technologies and applications and poster presentations.
Participation in the INSPIRE Conference is open to all individuals interested in or working in the field of SDI development and implementation. Abstracts must be received by the deadline will be considered for program placement under the standard review process.
Topics for which contributions are sought include, but are not limited to,
INSPIRE Implementation: Legislative measures, coordination and organisational models
INSPIRE and the global context: Global Monitoring for Environment and Security, Global Earth Observation System of Systems, United Nations SDI
Thematic communities
Licensing frameworks
GeoPortals and registries
Social and economic impacts
Education and awareness raising
Trans-national SDI projects (including EU (co-)funded projects)
New policies, new requirements, new stakeholders
New and Evolving tools and technologies
We are particularly interested in accounts of what works, and what does not work, what are perceived benefits for policy, public administration, citizens and the private sector. Proposals will be evaluated by the programme committee and those accepted will be included in the on-line conference proceedings.
Best Regards,
The INSPIRE Team "
Important deadlines
Abstract and paper submission open 16 December 2009
Deadline for abstract submission 1 February 2010
Deadline for Workshop proposals 1 February 2010
Abstract acceptance/rejection notice for presentation 15 March 2010
Deadline for submission of full papers for IJSDIR 22 June 2010
Deadline for early registration: 19 April 2010
INSPIRE Conferences 22 - 25 June 2010
Source: please click on the header
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