The Hungarian Association for Geo-information (HUNAGI) is a non-for-profit, interdisciplinary, non-governmental umbrella organisation having 101 member institutions and organisations from government, NGOs, academia and private sector.
HUNAGI major objectives are to encourage and facilitate the availability, share, accessiblity and useability of geographic information according to the European spatial data infrastructure-related legislation framework INSPIRE for the benefit of the GI community. HUNAGI is registered and acknowledged as Spatial Data Interest Community at DG JRC of the European Commission.
To achieve its goals HUNAGI focuses on partnership with the major stakeholders and governmental agencies involving end users via dissemination of best practices mainly gained in multilevel international cooperation on European (EUROGI) and global level (Global Spatial Data Association, International Society of Digital Earth and UNGIWG).
As member of the GSDI Delegation HUNAGI took part the GEO IV (November 2007) and GEO V plenary (November 2008) meetings and assisted in the preparations of interventions and statement. HUNAGI liaison represented GSDI Association at the 26th Meeting of the CEOS Working Group on Information Systems and Services and joint WGISS and GEO committee workshop hosted by UCAR in Boulder (June, 2008).
HUNAGI was invited to the National Committee for the UNESCO-driven International Year of the Planet Earth and mobilised some of its member institutions from the geoscience community to exhibit their activities at the Hungarian IYPE Conference and Exhibition (April, 2008).
HUNAGI and GSDI representatives co-chaired the Sessions of the 21th ISPRS Congress devoted to Spatial Data Infrastructures (July, 2008) and attended the ISDE Summit the first meeting of professionals in Geoinformatics and Climate Change hosted by the German Geoscience Research Centre in Potsdam (September, 2008).HUNAGI as NGO and the UNSDI HUCO was invited to the 9th Plenary Meeting of the UNGIWG (november, 2008)
Representative of HUNAGI received a seat also in the Hungarian Space Research Council (April, 2009)
Recently - at the 27th Meeting WGISS hosted by CNES in Toulouse between 11-15 May 2009, the HUNAGI delegate representing the Global Spatial Data Infrastructure Association (GSDI) made two contribtions. Firstly advised for the WGISS Best Practices and Lession Learned Interest Grop (lead by NOAA) to contact the European eSDI-Net+ project coordinator to study the methodology developed last year under the leadership of EUROGI in the field of identification and evaluation of best practices for regional and thematic spatial data infrastructures. Secondly, he underlined the critical role of information for decision makers on the availability, accessibility, quality and useability of spatial data in applications which need quick response time. It was suggested, based on the practical experiences of UN-SPIDER and the WGISS members active in the disaster response operational applications (USA, France, Ukraina, China) the GSDI Spatial Data Infrastructure Cookbook Wiki should be extended describing the requirement of these challenging disaster mitigation applications. The proposal was well received by Chair Ms. Martha E. Maiden of NASA and the Head of the SPIDER Bureau in Bonn, Mr. Lóránt Czarán expressed his interest to act accordingly. This issue could be also addressed at the 10th anniversary UN Geographic Information Working Group (UNGIWG) Plenary Meeting in Bonn from 19 to 21 October 2009. It is anticipated that HUNAGI- as civil National GI Association, coordinator and disseminator of UNSDI related information - will be invited again. The findings could be drafted and discussed at the 3rd UN-SPIDER Workshop: “Disaster Management and Space Technology – From Concepts to Application”, which is being jointly organized by the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) and the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Bonn, between 21 – 23 October 2009. HUNAGI raises awareness among its members and partners to take part actively at this Workshop.