
Friday, July 20, 2007

Contribution SDIC HUNAGI to the panel discussion at the 13th EC GI&GIS Workshop

Even this commercial wristwatch of today is using process control, based on the time service of an ultra-precise clock and a regular radio communication from thousand km distance. Guess if the Internet, PC and GNSS capabilities will be added within a decade... Image: HUNAGI Visuals resource, 2006
The 4th dimension - the temporality in GI/GIS -
the potentials are unlimited
The importance of the time aspect, the temporal dimension was underlined. The slightly enhanced version of the merit of the HUNAGI comment is as follows:
While the excellent presentation on the Healtcare GIS in the Environment II Session was focusing on GIS based monitoring and reporting having an impact on the policy planning and legislation amendments in month and years on the time scale, many GI/GIS application environments needs feedbacks with a turnaround time in days and weeks. But the indoor and outdoor sensors, measurement devices and wireless intercommucation technologies today allow also near-real time feedbacks and control with decisions on reactions in minutes and hours. The timescale and temporal resolutions are extremely important aspects in many applications from disaster mitigation to healthcare and from history-GIS to geoscience and life science related investigations. Meteorology is the best example, how their operational services can facilitate the daily life and human activities based on full 4 dimension modelling, simulation and forecasting.
It is encouraged to improve the INSPIRE legislation framework on a longer run taken into account the potentials of the 4th dimension, which is not only a subject of research but also innovation and daily practice.
Based on the exchange of views with the acknowledged expert Professor Michael K.Buckland at the 5th Digital Earth Symposium held at UC Berkeley recently, by invitation HUNAGI is now looking for committed experts who can join the team dealing with the temporal changes of objects and phenomena of the real world, which are usually represented by maps and databases having validity only for a given time or timeframe.

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