
Monday, November 12, 2007

UNSDI in the IYPE 2008

The Head of our partner National Coordination Office in the Netherlands Mr. Jan Cees Venema just informed te NCO NL's stakeholders on the actions related to UNSDI and the International Year of Planet Earth in 2008.
"Geachte collega's,
Eind deze maand wordt op de achtste plenaire vergadering van de UN Geographic Information Working Group (UNGIWG) een besluit genomen over de implementatie van UNSDI. De vergadering staat in zijn geheel in het teken van UNSDI: "UNSDI in the Year of Planet Earth". Informatie over de vergadering is
hier te vinden...."
In the case of UNSDI HUCO, IYPE is an issue which will be addressed also by HUNAGI in its action plan foreseen for the next year. It was discussed already at the 2nd Meeting of the Hungarian National IYPE Committee on October 30 and will be revisited at the next meeting hosted by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences scheduled for December 5. That time the UNSDI follow-on plan will be known according to the decisions made by the 8th UNGIWG Meeting.

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