Since 25 October 2007 HUCO website was visited nearly 10 thousand times from over 100 countries . Past 15 entries includes visitors from Purdue University, FAO, USGS, NLR, ESRI and Magyar Közút, a public benefit company for the management of 33,000 km public roads in Hungary
28.08.08 19:01:55 | Purdue university | United States of America |
28.08.08 20:08:40 | For network expansion and subscriber .. | United Kingdom |
28.08.08 20:16:27 | Not available | United States of America |
28.08.08 21:38:14 | U.s. geological survey | United States of America |
29.08.08 01:28:23 | Environmental systems research instit.. | United States of America |
29.08.08 09:16:19 | Food and agriculture organization of .. | Italy |
29.08.08 11:27:36 | Cpe customers nl | Netherlands |
29.08.08 13:23:00 | Magyar kozut kht. | Hungary |
29.08.08 13:26:07 | Small customers | Romania |
29.08.08 13:53:15 | Vemer-sibergroupspa | Italy |
29.08.08 14:46:27 | Invitel tavkozlesi szolgaltato rt. | Hungary |
29.08.08 15:59:40 | National aerospace laboratory | Netherlands |
29.08.08 16:59:11 | Telfort internet | Netherlands |
29.08.08 19:41:37 | Telefonica de espana (ncc#2006112951) | Spain |
29.08.08 20:12:05 | Org_unit_en: gts-datanet telecommunic.. | Hungary |
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