PIR will be introduced at the GINNT Expo on innovative solutions and technologies between 10-11 June, 2009 at the Europa Congress Center in Budapest. Actually three of the six Hungarian thematic SDIs selected for the EU eSDI-Netplus project will be displayed: PIR (a GPS and Earth Observation supported National Ragweed Registry Information System), VinGIS, (Vineyard Registry Information System) both of the FÖMI RSC, as well as TeIR (Territorial Information System of Hungary) of VÁTI. It is anticipated, the PIR poster will join the International eSDI-Netplus Poster Exhibition in Rotterdam during the GSDI11 Conference a the fourth of the Hungarian contributions besides MÉTA, TeIR and VinGIS. For details related to PIR please click on the header or contact gabor.csornai@fomi.hu.
PIR is an excellent example on operational thematic SDI, which has significant socio-economic impact providing benefit in the fields of public health, agricultural and environmental policy planning, implementation and control. HUNAGI promoted this innovative approach at the Side Meeting on Environment and Health organised by EPA at the GEO- V Plenary in Bucarest last November.
PIR is an excellent example on operational thematic SDI, which has significant socio-economic impact providing benefit in the fields of public health, agricultural and environmental policy planning, implementation and control. HUNAGI promoted this innovative approach at the Side Meeting on Environment and Health organised by EPA at the GEO- V Plenary in Bucarest last November.
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